
The Masters’ in American Studies Program basically studies American culture. By referring to the concept of globalization with the waning of boundaries between countries, the idea of ​​culture has also experienced a shift in meaning where ‘pure culture’ in this era of globalization is increasingly being questioned for its legitimacy. For example, in the American case, according to Davis (2013: 1),

“Transnational American culture is a process mapped by scholars who examine the multilayered contexts of cultural production in and beyond the United States. It involves observing the ways of the U.S. Cultural production has been reimagined as a result of political and social movements in the twentieth century, how it has traveled and been received outside the country, as well as how globalization has shaped American sensibilities and artifacts.”

In line with the development of science in globalization, it is hoped that the Master of American Studies Study Program will be more accommodating to this development by formulating learning outcomes that reflect the Prodi’s responsiveness in anticipating developments so as to produce graduates who are responsive to American socio-cultural phenomena.

As a follow-up to the results of the analysis of tracer studies, the following improvements have been made to the 2021 Curriculum:

1) Updating material about popular works in American Popular Narrative and American Popular Culture courses.
2) Enforcing the publication of scientific journal articles as a prerequisite for thesis examination. Study Program regularly organizes journal article writing workshops to improve students’ ability to write journal articles.
3) Giving a weight of 4 credits for elective courses across study programs so students can develop insights related to gender and sexuality studies, and Media Studies, or other courses that suit students’ special interests/needs.
4) Providing Digital Humanities content in several courses and encouraging lecturer-student collaborative research that applies the Digital Humanities approach.

To effectively carry out the 2021 Curriculum, the Study Program organizes several Compulsory courses in each semester (odd and even) so that new students from admission in odd or even semesters will not experience obstacles in taking courses that strengthen the basic scientific competencies of American Studies. The credit load per semester is limited to a maximum of 18 credits. This aims to provide flexibility for students to develop their competencies, either through classroom learning or independent exploration. The curriculum does not apply prerequisites, but by arranging the distribution of courses per semester it is made taking into account the gradual flow of competency achievement. To facilitate timely graduation, thesis courses are offered starting in the third semester and can be continued in the fourth semester. With due observance of DIKTI regulations, thesis and Yudisium exams can already be conducted in the third semester.

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