Vision and Mission


The graduate program of American Studies under the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM is an institution of education and research which excels internationally. This program also eminent in the field of American social life, literature and culture.  Most importantly, the program pays attention to the humanitarian interests which is moulded in Pancasila.



The missions of graduate program of American Studies UGM are:

  1. To provide qualified education, research, and community service in the areas of American social life, literature and culture
  2. To develop the program to become an institution with international standard that has a reliable institutional capacity, all in terms of infrastructure, human resources, governance and corporate culture
  3. To increase the quality of education and research in the fields of American social life, literature and culture without losing its identity as a nation of Indonesia
  4. To conduct a community service with the perspective of cross-cultural minded to solve the problems of society and humanity
  5. To produce graduates who understand the aspects of American social, culture and literature, and its influence to Indonesia without losing their identity as a nation of Indonesia
  6. To integrate methods of the social sciences and humanities concerning all aspects related to American culture